In Morroco, there are very different places depending of what you want to drink:
How should I tag them?
How to make a difference between a coffee bar and a juice bar? Should I add shop:drinks or drink:juice for the juice bar? |
I would go for this: As always if there could be a misunderstanding of tags it is wise to add a 6
Thanks for your answer. However, amenity=bar is related to an "establishment that sells alcoholic drinks". So probably that amenity=cafe, related to a "generally informal place with sit-down facilities selling beverages", is more adapted. Especially in Morocco where alcohol is never available in a "café". So is "amenity=cafe" + "drink:juice=served" better?
(06 Jun '16, 11:27)
@Toub: yes, that sounds fine to me. Maybe add also
(06 Jun '16, 19:03)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@aseerel4c26 could you please update your answer, so I can mark it as accepted. So the recommendation is:
Also, should we update the wiki?
(26 Jun '16, 15:02)
@Toub: Depending on the country you are in, a bar is not a place where you get alcoholic drinks (only/mainly). Since from these countries there are only little mappers in OSM, this fact isn't widely known & spread here… For aseerel4c26's answer I'd enhance only slightly: use drink:juice=only, when only juice is served.
(26 Jun '16, 15:41)
@malenki: from where did you get the "only"? Not in use currently for this prefix, is it?
(26 Jun '16, 20:34)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@aseerel4c26: from common sense. :)
(26 Jun '16, 20:55)
@malenki: I am not sure if "only" makes sense here and if it is useful to have that many values, but I remember that I have seen "only" in documentation of some tag...
(26 Jun '16, 22:07)
aseerel4c26 ♦
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