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I am working on an indoor navigation project with Googles Project Tango tablet (Android). I can scan a building with it an created a internal graph representation of the floorplan (map) and I can draw the plan. I want to convert my graph to the IndoorOSM format. This will be a bit complicated and I dont't know how to start with.

But to check if the conversion is successfull, I am looking for an IndoorOSM viewer to see if the plan is drawn well from my IndoorOSM file, but didn't found anything working. Can anyone help me or recommend me another format? I am a beginner in OSM, XML, GIS, etc. I posted this question also on stackoverflow.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 31 May '16, 12:43

konstodoof's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Jun '16, 08:01

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question asked: 31 May '16, 12:43

question was seen: 2,970 times

last updated: 01 Jun '16, 08:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum