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I went to the online map of and searched for some small cities and villages in Croatia. Everything I searched for was correctly found in the online map. So does this mean if I download the gmapsupp.img for Croatia I will have all the entries which are also on the online map?

So I went to which was linked at openstreetmap somewhere and downloaded the croatia-gmapsupp.img renamed it to gmapsupp.img and put it on my sd card in the garmin folder. I activated the map and deactivated the old "City Navigator Europe NT 2008".

But if I now search the ones I found online it will not find it. It will not even find big cities like Split or Dubrovnik.

My question is why? And what can I do to find all the other cities (not that small) like "Koprivnica, Bjelovar, Vukovar"?

I have a nüvi255 (software version 7.8), I updated it yesterday. I'm trying this from home, so it says it has no GPS signal.

Thank you for every help :)

asked 29 May '16, 20:13

nedjo32's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 May '16, 20:56

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I do not know the service you used to download the map. Maybe the city index is just not populated in this map? I would just try another map. There is a big list: . I would try – from my experience it is the most popular and simple one. Select "Croatia" from the "Europe" box and then download the new gmapsupp.img

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answered 29 May '16, 20:56

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks aseerel4c26! Your site gave me all the important cities I needed! :) Unfortunately the villages I found on the online map, aren't on my navi but I will use andys method for that.

(30 May '16, 19:21) nedjo32

My osm on Garmin downloads often have the same problem. My solution is to search for example Koprivnica on the pc osm map then use the lat long from the URL so use 46.16117 North and 16.8316 East (note south and west are represented as negative by OSM ) Next on my Nuvi 1310 " Where to " scroll down to "Coordinates" then "Format" choose H ddd.dddd for decimal degrees "Ok" then type in the N46.1617 and E16.8316 press "Next" and the Nuvi should show the same area that was in the centre of your PC screen. I can enter the coords quicker than an address. Hope this works on your Sat Nav. EDIT bit more info:- Garmin Basecamp is a free download. It can be used to plan routes and tracks and if you plug in a garmin device via usb you can see the maps on the PC screen. For users without a Garmin it will also work with a OSM on Garmin download that as been stored on an sd card or a usb stick. So you could get your lat longs ( in any format ) for your SAT NAV is it will accept a lat long instead of an address. Once you have that up and running you can use your lap-top to plan without an internet connection.

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answered 30 May '16, 17:28

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 01 Jun '16, 14:23

The nuvi will store a list of searches that you can input at home.

(30 May '16, 17:34) andy mackey

Thank you andy!! :) I got the bigger cities from gmappsup, but for the villages I use your method and it works! :)

(30 May '16, 19:22) nedjo32

Another possible suggestion - try the "nearest containing" functionality instead of the "find by name" one. From memory on a Nuvi 255 I think there's a button labelled "spell" when searching for cities - try that.

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answered 04 Jun '16, 16:32

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SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 29 May '16, 20:13

question was seen: 4,726 times

last updated: 04 Jun '16, 16:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum