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Has someone ever used a tag as radio=no, it’s marked on an access sign or board as one of the rules to follow. What’s wrong or happening, IMHO it’s just a sign with a simple message radio=no. JOSM validator marked it as radio without Railway ? But the Wiki is not clear about it.

asked 27 May '16, 23:09

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

sorry, I have difficulties to understand your question and situation. Are you talking of a street sign? What is its text? And you want to map the sign as radio=no on a highway osm way?

(27 May '16, 23:29) aseerel4c26 ♦

It’s an Industrial area with some rules on an entry sign. So if you’re going in follow the access rules, such as maxspeed, smoking no and radio no. JOSM complaints that there s no railway ?

(27 May '16, 23:48) Hendrikklaas

what is the rule on the sign? Is it forbidding mobile phone use?

Why JOSM complains? Because, apparently (according to taginfo) radio is used in the railway context to denote which radio standard is used for this specific railway line (e.g. GSM-R is such a radio standard). And I guess you are using radio on a highway or even landuse.

(27 May '16, 23:49) aseerel4c26 ♦

To clarify the original question, I've seen signs in areas were rock blasting was being performed where there were signs requiring all two-way radios to be turned off. My guess is there was a chance that a radio transmitter could trigger a explosive charge. Maybe they were being overly cautious, but I recall seeing such signs. Here are some web example signs: and

(28 May '16, 01:01) n76

Petrol pumps and Hospitals often have a turn mobiles off sign, as they may cause a spark or interfere with vital equipment.

(28 May '16, 08:16) andy mackey

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question asked: 27 May '16, 23:09

question was seen: 2,005 times

last updated: 28 May '16, 08:16

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