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I often come across an incorrect "highway=track" tag for existing ways. When looking at their history (using JOSM) I find that at some point the "highway" tag was changed from "path" to "track" by a particular user, whom I'll call "xyz" here.

So I got this idea: let's look at all changes of the type "highway tag changed from path to track", made by xyz. We might decide to revert them all at once, or do a survey on them one by one, or send them to xyz so he looks at them and reverts the incorrect ones himself (he has admitted on a forum that some of these changes were by mistake). Please note: I am not asking about how to correct these changes; we'll decide on it later. My question is technical: how to make such a list?

The problem is, xyz is a very active member, who has done thousands of edits, with many fixes in each edit. Reviewing them one by one would be counter-productive.

So, is there any way (a database query?) to find all changes of this type?

  • In a particular area
  • By a particular user
  • Changing a particular tag
  • From a specific value to another specific value

asked 21 May '16, 10:12

anatolyg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 May '16, 10:38

You can get part of the way to what you want using Overpass API, which has support for restricting queries by user. Here's an example. So that at least gets you to tracks in your area of interest that were last touched by the user in question. I guess you could then retrieve the previous version of each way from the main api and examine it together with the current version to check for the questionable edits.

There is also some support in Overpass for examining changes, but it is based on dates not users or versions.

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answered 21 May '16, 14:19

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 21 May '16, 10:12

question was seen: 4,637 times

last updated: 21 May '16, 14:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum