I'm trying to figure out how to tag the multiple archways in milwaukee. I think it would be a nice detail to add since most of the old brewery buildings have them. Thanks for any help. |
I would tag it as a gantry shown here in this Wiki article. The tagging I would suggest is: Alas will such ever be rendered on the map?
(07 Sep '20, 18:33)
Likely not on any standard maps soon. Imagine how much noise that would create on the map.
(08 Sep '20, 08:52)
Folks, let's not let cultural biases make us forget that in some countries some of these can be really massive, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paifang , and deserve to be on the map.
(09 Sep '20, 06:31)
If you really want it to appear on the osm.org map, you could make it a building which crosses the road, with a roof:shape=round, roof:material=metal, and an appropriate estimate for roof:height and building:height. (And probably leave the gantry tag on too). Then, make the part of the road directly underneath have a building_passage tag. These arches seem to go from a metal advertisement for a company to historic buildings like this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_de_Triomphe that is here https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=arc%20de%20triumph#map=19/48.87376/2.29572
(10 Sep '20, 08:52)
andy mackey
hi. we're talking about something related, in the new community site: https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/how-to-tag-an-arch-symbolising-entry-to-area/2273/