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If I set max zoom above 15 in a TMS image URL JOSM freezes at the first stage of loading TMS tiles.

Even the default OpenCycleMap freezes if I actived since its max zoom level is 17. To avoid this failure I needed to switch out "Autom zoom by default" option in TMS Settings. But in order to see TMS tiles I should switch it again manually in the context menu after loading the first TMS tiles.

What is the problem with higher than 15 zoom levels in TMS tiles. If i remember well it has been working fine in earlier version of JOSM

asked 07 May '16, 08:18

gobftald's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 May '16, 20:41

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

which JOSM version? Default OpenCycleMap works fine for me in JOSM version 10169 (up to level 17).

(07 May '16, 22:43) aseerel4c26 ♦

my version is not too old, it is 10161, my java version is Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14) I'm running JOSM on OS X 10.9.5

thx for your attention

(08 May '16, 00:11) gobftald

just to clarify: by "JOSM freezes" you mean that JOSM stops to respond to any input and does not update its screen output?

(08 May '16, 22:08) aseerel4c26 ♦

definitely, it stops to respond, does not update its screen, the only thing I can do to kill (Force Quit) it as a process form the OS, more precisely this happens after loading TMS tiles and make the first "Zoom in" command/action

I can easily reproduce this error on my machine: if I rewrite the max zoom of the (e.g. OpenCycleMap) TMS Imagery URL (from 17 back to 15) it works again. If I set it from 15 to 17 it freezes again.

The only workaround I found to clear the Imagery/Imagery Preferences/Settings/TMS Settings/Auto Zoom by default option box, then after the TMS loads, then after "Zoom in" at least two times, then in the context menu set (tick back) "Auto Zoom" option again. Then it works normal.

So there should be some problem with the default Auto Zoom function at "Zoom in" action at the very low zoom levels. I don't understand why and how it checks the max zoom level at this stage, but in my case after TMS tiles loaded, the first "Zoom in" function freezes JOSM if max zoom was set above 15.

(09 May '16, 06:40) gobftald

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question asked: 07 May '16, 08:18

question was seen: 2,369 times

last updated: 10 May '16, 20:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum