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Following bug not yet fixed:

India's administrative boundary is not correct in jammu&kashmir.

India government announced new law regarding show incorrect map(refer below links).,-Rs-1-crore-fine-soon-for-showing-PoK,-Arunachal-as-disputed-4876

How to report bugs in OSM?

Can I edit the administrative boundary for India? If yes, How can I made the same ?

Note: Its very important to us, kindly help anyone asap.

asked 06 May '16, 07:09

Rajavelu_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 28 Apr '20, 15:21

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

11 is the OSMFs formal policy on such matters. It should be further noted that the news articles concern proposed legislation and nothing that is in force.

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answered 06 May '16, 13:02

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Custom tiles with the Indian version of the borders according to the existing law is already available on

The open data community in India is coming together quickly to make a formal response to the ministry on this proposed bill. Please check the updates on for more details.

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answered 06 May '16, 20:32

PlaneMad's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

OSM is a wiki map, so of course any user can edit it. However OSM and the Indian government have different definitions of "what is correct".

OSM provides data. You are free to download the data, and render your own map, with any local modifications your self. If you need to have a map based on OSM which shows the border according to the Indian government's rules, then you should do that.

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answered 06 May '16, 08:38

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

@rorym: Thanks for your answer. So I can't edit admin boundary in OSM, right?

(06 May '16, 08:50) Rajavelu_M

Yes, you and anyone else can edit administrative boundaries. But changing the OSM India boundary to what the Indian government claims is not following the rules of OSM. Hence it is likely to be deleted or changed back if you were to just blindly follow the Indian government claims.

(06 May '16, 09:02) rorym

Please do not engage in what is essentially political discussions on the help site. the OSMF policy is clear and pointing to is the only effective response.

(06 May '16, 12:45) SimonPoole ♦

@rorym,@Piskvor & @SimonPoole : Thanks for your details.

Can I edit india admin boundary in my local DB only? If yes, how to do the same?

(06 May '16, 14:01) Rajavelu_M

@Rajavelu_M It depends on what you want to do. Do you want to render an OSM on a web browser with a tile server? Then import the data into postgres with osm2pgsql, then delete the admin borders you don't want with SQL, then have a shapefile with the borders you do want, and then import that and insert that into the planet_osm_polygon table with the correct tags.

(06 May '16, 14:40) rorym

@rorym: Thanks for your answer. But still i am struggle in get data and do the above steps. Any reference for more details?

(11 May '16, 10:32) Rajavelu_M

PlaneMad (see the other answer here) wrote a diary entry about it - see . That's using a Mapbox Studio dataset.

(11 May '16, 12:02) SomeoneElse ♦


I want to remove boundary from my local map server. I have already setup the data and tiles are created.

Can you please help me to remove the admin boundary from my local map server?

(20 Jul '18, 12:27) Reshma Maner

@Reshma Maner If PlaneMad's diary entry isn't enough information I'd ask about your problem in a separate question.

Say what you've done and what you're trying to do (for example, would it be OK just not to show any admin level 2 boundaries, or do you want to show India's claim explicitly?).

(20 Jul '18, 13:35) SomeoneElse ♦
showing 5 of 10 show 5 more comments

This issue is not new, is wholly covered by the existing Disputed Territories policy of the Foundation. See @SimonPoole's answer.

Furthermore OSM User PlaneMad developed mapping & tagging approaches which address this particular question some years ago. A recent blog post describes what he does for custom boundaries:

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answered 06 May '16, 14:39

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 06 May '16, 07:09

question was seen: 9,347 times

last updated: 28 Apr '20, 15:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum