In the online editor how to see street names from Bing aerial? asked 05 May '16, 17:11 ad-minister |
An alternative is available while in the iD editor. Click on Background Settings > New and Misaligned TIGER Roads. A layer of TIGER roads and labels will appear on the map. answered 05 May '16, 23:27 Longhorn256 4
Do note that the TIGER layer is limited to the United States, it won't be any help elsewhere. It's worth checking what is available in the Background Settings, there are useful reference layers available in many areas.
(06 May '16, 02:00)
In my experience, TIGER is rather error-prone on its names (and routes, and road types, and...), especially once you get away from the cities.
(11 May '16, 10:08)
No. We are not allowed to copy street names from Bing or similar services. Instead, go out to make a survey and write down the street names. This will also allow you to add other interesting details such as shops, post boxes, bus stops and so on. answered 05 May '16, 17:17 scai ♦ |
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