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I'm going to build my own nominatim and tile server, and I'd like to add POI to my own database(just for nominatim) to be used by my project. I have the following problems:

  1. Can data be shared amount nominatim and tile server?
  2. How to add POI to my nominatim database, and at the same time, keep updating from osm server?
  3. Need I install API like Rails Port on my server?

asked 04 May '16, 02:05

LAmour's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can create an .osc file that contains your extra POIs, and add that file to both your Nominatim and tile databases with a manual invocation of osm2pgsql. You can use the JOSM editor to map your POIs and save as a .osm file, then convert that file manually to .osc format, renumbering all IDs to values so high that they won't conflict with OSM's values in the near future. You can then continue applying updates from OSM and your database will have both your data and OSM's data. However, if a POI is created in OSM that already exists in your private POI collection, then your database will have two instances of that POI.

You do not have to install the rails port unless you want multiple users to be able to connect to your database and edit the data.

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answered 04 May '16, 08:10

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Thanks! I also want to ask if it is possible to write an API to insert(via http) POI directly to nominatim database?

(04 May '16, 09:36) LAmour

For info, the thing that handles updates to a rendering database is at - you can see how that calls osmosis.

(04 May '16, 10:07) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 04 May '16, 02:05

question was seen: 4,316 times

last updated: 04 May '16, 10:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum