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During a visit to Page in Arizona recently I used Openstreetmap to get around. As usual, I noted down things where map and reality differed, and am now trying to correct the map.

But one thing that beats me is the timezone of Page itself. The timezone of Arizona in general is MST, without any daylight savings time. But Navajo Nation in Arizona does use daylight savings time, so it followed MDT during our visit.

The city of Page is not inside Navajo Nation, but jost on the border. But my GPS showed the time as if it did use daylight savings time. When we crossed the Glen Canyon Dam bridge to the west, the time changed in the GPS.

I've tried to figure out how to fix this. But I can't find out where it is set. I read on the wiki about timezone attributes, but I can't find which object has the attribute so I can change it.

Can anyone help me correct the map. (I'm using the Potlatch 2 editor.)

asked 30 Apr '16, 20:15

G%C3%B6ranU's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Just to clarify: I assume you have a OSM-based map on your GPS device. So, you think that your gps used timezone information from OSM data?

(30 Apr '16, 20:20) aseerel4c26 ♦

Yes, that is correct. I have a Garmin ETrex 30x which came with European maps. Before my trip to the USA I used "splitter" and "mkgmap" to convert the map over western USA to Garmin format, and copied it to my unit. I clearly got map information from this OSM map, I assumed the timezone data came from there too.

(30 Apr '16, 20:48) GöranU

The timezone information is usually built in to your GPS device, and isn't something that comes from either mkgmap nor from OpenStreetMap. You can test this by removing the map from your device, and see that it will still display timezone information.

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answered 01 May '16, 11:21

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%


I see. Since I'm more than 8000 km away from Page now, I can't easily check this, but I'll take your word for it. Nothing to do with the map then.

(01 May '16, 20:04) GöranU

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question asked: 30 Apr '16, 20:15

question was seen: 2,900 times

last updated: 01 May '16, 20:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum