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Hi all, I recently added some turn restrictions. All seem fine apart from a restriction=no_entry relation. Although documented in the wiki (which I was following), none of the common routers seem to understand it. Have I made a mistake somewhere or is it just not recognised by routing software? Am I better off replacing it with no left/right turn relations? Thanks for your help.

asked 30 Apr '16, 14:40

ACS1986's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to you relation Union Street is effectively a oneway street, isn't it? In that case a oneway tag is enough, no relations are required.

Apart from that, your relation seems to be correct. First I thought it contains an error because there are two members with the role from. But according to the turn restriction wiki page no_entry suports multiple from-members.

However it is quite likely that most routers don't support this relation since it is not very common.

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answered 30 Apr '16, 15:48

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks for your reply. It's effectively one way for through traffic, yes, but it isn't signed as a one way street (ie. traffic already on the street can legally travel in either direction). I was unsure about how best to map this and the no_entry relation mentioned in the Wiki seemed like the most accurate. Would using left/right turn restrictions or mapping it as if it were a oneway street be better?

(30 Apr '16, 16:02) ACS1986

Personally I would map it as a oneway street. Either by adding the oneway tag to the whole street if it applies to the whole street, or just to a short part right before Friagate if this does better reflect reality.

Also keep in mind that most routers will take a couple of days until having updated their data.

(30 Apr '16, 16:23) scai ♦

I did leave it a few days before checking how the routers behaved. The other turn restrictions I did at the same time now route correctly. In view of your advice I'll tag a short part as one way as that seems preferable. Thanks.

(30 Apr '16, 16:44) ACS1986

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question asked: 30 Apr '16, 14:40

question was seen: 2,802 times

last updated: 30 Apr '16, 16:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum