The goal:I am attempting to generate map tiles with EPSG:4326 instead of web mercator by specifying EPSG:4326 in the mapnik style file srs attributes
I am running Ubuntu 14.14 LTS and have followed the manually-building-a-tile-server-14-04 instructions. Using the default projection, I was able to successfully import data and serve tiles to a client. I am using the stack of osm2pgsql, renderd, mapnik, mod_tile, apache, postgres, and the OSM Bright stylesheet. To import I used:
Then to run renderd:
At this point, I had everything working to serve up web mercator.
First I reimported the data with osm2pgsql using the -l flag:
I then updated the mapnik stylesheet map and layer srs attributes to match what was defined in
When starting renderd I will then receive the error:
I also attempted a few other options:
After seeing a post recommending to check if proj-epsg package is installed, I was heading down the path that proj was missing on my system ( Per this proj init error guide I reinstalled proj to no effect. I confirmed I do have it:
I have checked my /usr/share/proj/epsg file and it contains an entry:
The guide shows a different path to /usr/local/share/proj/epsg. On my system it is /usr/share/proj/epsg
Do I need to configure mapnik or renderd somehow to be able to use proj? Is my proj epsg file in an atypical location? Is there any other information that would be useful? Also, are there any other methods I could attempt to use to get finer debugging?
problem snippet EPSG:4326 version of mapnik OSMBright.xml:
working snippet web mercator version of mapnik OSMBright.xml:
Thanks for any thoughts. |
I am struggling with the same problem, and do not want to use MapProxy. Did you find a solution?