I cannot find it: How can I see the user-added notes while editing a map in iD? Rationale: When walking in the cities, I often add OSM notes (using OsmAnd+) if I see something wrong/missing. I would then like to be able to correct the map, but sometimes I need to know the exact note location (e.g. if a feature is missing in the map). As a workaround, I can always centre the map at the note, then get the share URL, which contains the exact coordinates, which I can then use in iD. But this looks like a really brute force approach. |
This has been implemented recently. Click 'map data' on the right, where an option 'map notes' can be enabled. 1
(I have made this the new accepted answer) For completeness: it was added into the 2.10.0 release on Jul 26, 2018 - thanks, Thomas Hervey!
(18 Aug '18, 08:28)
aseerel4c26 ♦
You cannot, it is under development. See https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/2629 . As another workaround, you could use JOSM. I am a complete newbie in GitHub. Can you please explain what that linked thread and #1895 linked therein actually mean? I also wonder how much work it actually requires to implement/enable this functionality. Would it be an option to ask someone from the iD team or e.g. at Freelancer to do it? I would be willing to support this financially if it's a matter of a few hours work.
(27 Apr '16, 13:59)
(re Github) that's where iD development is co-ordinated. https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/pull/1895 looks like an early attempt to add notes support that stalled. https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/2629 is the current open issue; that's probably the place to add offers of financial support! I suspect that the blocker will be lack of people familiar with the code and frameworks used (and lack of time on behalf of the people who are) rather than cash, though.
(27 Apr '16, 14:21)
SomeoneElse ♦
This is not a full solution, but a workaround: you can display Notes from the map: it's in the Layers menu, or accessible via URL parameter http://www.openstreetmap.org/?layers=N From there, you can use the "Edit" button to switch into iD. Yes, that's the one I ended up using myself. However there is no way to make sure that a point you create in iD is located in the centre of the view.
(27 Apr '16, 13:46)
... and of course the "openstreetmap" text above and to the left of the iD windows can be opened in a new tab, and you can view notes there.
(27 Apr '16, 13:46)
SomeoneElse ♦
I found myself using yet another workaround.
All pretty cumbersome, it would be a huge step forward for occasional or newcomer mappers if iD would show the notes. |
Another possible way to do this, that might work, is to export a GPX file from the note(s), then load that GPX file into iD. The result should be a visible (pink) waypoint overlaying the map in iD, at the correct position of the note. I looked into trying this and found 2 tools people had written to export notes to GPX. One is in Perl, and one in Java. But I didn't persue it, so I don't know if the whole process actually works. If you want to try it, here are the 2 tools:
Not a workaround for viewing notes, but possibly helpful if know the coordinates of a feature: in Potlatch 2, you can select "View mouse latitude/longitude" under Options and manually make sure you're placing a feature at the right place.