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Is there any particular reason the following request return nothing:,42.1389684,25.8892822,42.5075400? Actually it is not "nothing", but this:

<osm version='0.6' generator='OpenStreetMap server'></osm>

I tried using XAPI with this request:[place=city][bbox=25.4649353,42.1389684,25.8892822,42.5075400] but this time I really got nothing. As I can see the XAPI servers are pretty overloaded. Is there any way to use it?

asked 03 May '11, 07:07

ivanatora's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

Your first request is being made to the "api06" testing server - it doesn't contain much map data so it's quite likely that there won't be data in that area. You can edit the testing server to add some test data for whichever area you're interested in.

The XAPI link is to servers using the "live" data from - but they are often overloaded. You can try the alternative XAPI servers listed on the wiki - try the ones running the Java version of XAPI.

permanent link

answered 03 May '11, 09:49

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

What happens if I edit to the test server? How long will the data be kept? I suppose it is cleared at some intervals?

(04 May '11, 06:39) ivanatora

For all I know the dev server isn't cleared regularily so the data will probably linger at least till development on the API 0.7 starts in a large scale way. Depending what you want to do (you don't really say) this might be plenty of time.

(04 May '11, 07:31) petschge

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question asked: 03 May '11, 07:07

question was seen: 6,360 times

last updated: 04 May '11, 07:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum