I want to collaborate in the Ecuador tasks. In HOT (http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1839#task/209), they say we have to use a imagery with the following link:
However, the link is not valid. I have to delete the first part: tms[22]:
Once the URL is like the following, I can do get layers in JOSM>Imagery preference. Finally, I selected the Equator_sigtierras_jama and I click ok. When I try to use the imagery, JOSM returns the following message:
What am I doing wrong? how should I use the URL to use the proposed imagery? |
The imagery is TMS, I think you tried to add a WMS (given the error) layer. Press +TMS button, then paste the link (without the tms[22]:) in the URL field. |
JOSM is expecting the tms[22]: in the tile server description, it gives information about how the imagery is served. Deleting it from the description results in JOSM interpreting the description incorrectly and not making the correct requests to the server. Usually the tasking manager will tell JOSM about the imagery layer, you shouldn't need to set it up manually. I haven't checked the task, but you could try just using the Tasking Manager remote control link to see if it passes the information about the imagery to JOSM. |