I've discovered a number of OSM errors (plural intended) in my home ZIP Code. How does one go about getting these errors corrected? |
The short answer is to create an account on http://www.openstreetmap.org/ and click the "Edit" button. A slightly longer answer is to consult some reference material like is listed on http://www.openstreetmap.org/welcome or http://learnosm.org/ and get started editing. You can also use http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/new to make notes explaining the problems. Someone else who sees the note may then decide to correct the problem. 4
Also, be aware that not everything perceived to be a label error is actually a data problem. It can happen that the data is totally correct but the intricacies of the map rendering algorithm cause one label to supersede another, so you may get situations where the "more important" city label loses out to the "less important" one and the like.
(20 Apr '16, 21:54)
Frederik Ramm ♦
You might also find the links from http://www.openstreetmap.org/welcome useful.
(20 Apr '16, 22:06)
SomeoneElse ♦
is there anything ZIP-code-related? Or do you just mean your home region?