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Hi, I like to know if it's possible to download the entire OpenStreetMap database, if it is, how would I go about doing that? I'm talking about every element, every little piece, right down to the last blade of grass.

asked 15 Apr '16, 05:36

trainkid93's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Go to and have your fun. There's a "planet file" containing all current data, and a "full history file" containing earlier versions of things as well.

OF course "entire database" is a broad request. The planet file will not contain information that has been redacted from OSM because of copyright violations or other problems, and neither will it contain the changeset metadata or detailed information about our users. But it has all the geodata.

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answered 15 Apr '16, 06:34

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks. I've seen the planet.osm file, but I wasn't for us if it had all the data I'm looking for. I've downloaded the planet.osm file a few months ago, is there a way to open the file in smaller pieces so I can open it on my Mac or was it intended to be opened on a server with tons of RAM?

(15 Apr '16, 06:46) trainkid93

You'd have to say exactly how you want to "open" the file (with what software etc). Most people will either import the whole file into a database and take it from there, or use a tool like osmosis or osmfilter to excerpt the data they are interested in.

(15 Apr '16, 06:51) Frederik Ramm ♦

Another approach would be to download just a region file (say from Geofabrik) and use that. The PBF can be converted to Spatialite (sqlite) with one command line, that in turn can be used to create layers in QGIS for pretty visuals.

(15 Apr '16, 07:27) joost schouppe

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question asked: 15 Apr '16, 05:36

question was seen: 3,676 times

last updated: 15 Apr '16, 07:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum