Where can I change the language. I come from germany. |
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Where can I change the language. I come from germany. |
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question asked: 01 May '11, 16:56
question was seen: 3,970 times
last updated: 02 May '11, 06:59
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
The language of what? The webinterface? The place names on the map? Your editing software? Please be a bit (or even a lot) more specific in what you want otherwise nobody can give good answers.
I don't think one can expect new users to know that each sub part of the openstreetmap site has a different way of selecting the language and thus asking how to change the language is too vague a question. So perhaps this vague question is a good place to try and explain this and how each of the various places choose their language.
If you want to explain how to select language in all 27 parts of OpenStreetMap then go ahead. I certainly wont.
Nobody forces you to answer a question... :-) However, unfortunately the question was closed, so no one else can answer it anymore either.