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Where can I change the language. I come from germany.

asked 01 May '11, 16:56

eifeler71's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 01 May '11, 22:51

sleske's gravatar image


The language of what? The webinterface? The place names on the map? Your editing software? Please be a bit (or even a lot) more specific in what you want otherwise nobody can give good answers.

(01 May '11, 18:18) petschge

I don't think one can expect new users to know that each sub part of the openstreetmap site has a different way of selecting the language and thus asking how to change the language is too vague a question. So perhaps this vague question is a good place to try and explain this and how each of the various places choose their language.

(01 May '11, 23:33) apmon

If you want to explain how to select language in all 27 parts of OpenStreetMap then go ahead. I certainly wont.

(02 May '11, 05:32) petschge

Nobody forces you to answer a question... :-) However, unfortunately the question was closed, so no one else can answer it anymore either.

(02 May '11, 06:59) apmon

The question has been closed for the following reason "too vague" by sleske 01 May '11, 22:51

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question asked: 01 May '11, 16:56

question was seen: 3,970 times

last updated: 02 May '11, 06:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum