I've found tagging for bicycle repair, automobile repair, and a proposal for electronics repair, and how to tag a shop that also repairs the sorts of things it sells. But how do I tag a standalone repair business? For example,
Essentially no existing tag exists for this. shop=applicance_repair would be a suggestion for a new tag. |
shop=repair is another general option. At least it's used a little (56 times) http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/shop=repair You could always put a repair specialty in a repair=* tag |
Searching taginfo for tag use suggests that "repair=yes" is the one of the most common ways of tagging of "does do repair". Also you might get some suggestions from taginfo value use. Although "shop=repair" on it's own is one of the more widely used values, I'm not convinced that it's really a "class of thing" in its own right - a shop that repairs tractors and one that repairs watches are very different. As @poornibadrinath suggests, I'd make something up along the lines of "shop=<thing>_repair". 1
I guess I see it as more of an iterative process, where it is OK to use a more general tag, and maybe add a subtag. Then as time goes on if people notice there's a lot of subtag X, they might decide it would be easier to make a more specific tag to use for them. With fuzzier categories like the variety of repair shops mentioned here, shop=<thing>_repair seems likely to be pretty unique (and thus not much more useful than just looking at the shop name). But YMMV! :) For people not familiar with these tensions in approaches to tagging, it might be useful to read the "duck tagging" page on the wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Duck_tagging
(23 Jun '16, 15:17)
There is also tv_repair (8 uses); perhaps the rather unwieldy domestic_applicance_repair or something similar would work as a more generic tag for things which are much rarer than they were (at least in N. America & Europe, things may well be different elsewhere in the world)