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If I load a imagery source into JOSM, it'll download (and locally cache) all the images for the view I'm looking at now. However if I want to zoom in, it'll have to download (and cache) the image for the new images, which can cause a user visible lag.

Is it possible to, given an area in JOSM (e.g. the current view port), to download and pre-cache all the images for this and N levels of zoom deeper?

This would make it easier to edit an area, since you could download the OSM data for the area, then download the imagery for the area, and be able to pan around and edit without any network lag.

Although this would be helpful for Bing images, my current use case is for images from mapwarper and other community hosted, and open licenced, sources.

asked 08 Apr '16, 19:49

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

A similar question with some answers and don't miss the extra info in the followup.

For Mapwarper specifically, I think for many images that downloading the rectified image from the Export tab and opening it using the JOSM ImportImagePlugin might be an easier solution (Obviously this will work with any service where the whole image is available).

I'm not sure how well JOSM will perform with larger images, but I'd be tempted to try using GDAL to extract the area of interest rather than mucking about with Marble to download tiles.

permanent link

answered 09 Apr '16, 00:53

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

edited 09 Apr '16, 01:01

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question asked: 08 Apr '16, 19:49

question was seen: 3,838 times

last updated: 09 Apr '16, 01:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum