Hy please help me, I need to insert new icon on map for example dental clinic, how can I make it, it's possible? Can I hide other icon visible on my map? Thanks
This question is marked "community wiki".
If you want to have additional icons on a map, you can either make your own map or try to convince the maker of the map in question to add this feature. For the "official" OSM map (mapnik) the way to go would be file a ticket in trac and hope that the makers agree to your idea. Please take into account that it is impossible to fulfill all requests, because this would clutter the map until it became useless. It is always necessary to choose some features out of all data (thereby omitting others). |
Are you talking about adding a new point of intrest to the map data, or adding a new type of icon to the main mapnik layer, the osmarender layer, the potlatch2 editor, JOSM editor or any other programs/renderings that uses OSM data?
for Gnonthgol OK I understand with "hide other icon" it's no so important, I only want to add a new type of icon
You haven't said where you want that icon to be displayed though.