In Potlatch2, by using advanced/add to/select I can add a way to a nearby relation, in a similar way that you could in Potlatch1. However, is it possible to search for relations (by name or number) like it was in Potlatch1? There doesn't seem to be an obvious way of doing this. |
I had this problem too, and was slightly mystified by the question of which existing relations appeared in the pulldown, being quite variable in length. However it was explained to me that all relations which are currently loaded appear in the pulldown. In other words, you can get the relation you want by panning to a place where it exists and selecting a member of the relation, then panning to the way you want to add to the relation - the desired relation will now be in the pulldown. Apparently a new feature is waiting in the wings which will allow you to select a relation by id. Thanks for that - will await the new feature with interest.
(01 May '11, 16:50)
SomeoneElse ♦
... and the new feature's now there - there's a "load relation" button at the bottom of the "Select relation" window.
(07 Jul '11, 15:13)
SomeoneElse ♦
You could take note of the relation's number and then insert it manually using the "advanced" editing mode. |