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I am trying to find out whether our use of OSM tiles remains under fair use. We are a government agency located in the Netherlands and serve about 400.000 tiles a day on a number of websites that we host.

Can anyone tell me whether this is still within bounds? What should we measure it by?

And what are our options if we do need a commercial partner?

Thank you!

asked 05 Apr '16, 16:20

emuzeNL's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Apr '16, 18:13

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

A government agency downloading 400.000 tiles a day from OSM's tile server is certainly not appropriate. How about installing your own tile server instead?

permanent link

answered 05 Apr '16, 18:22

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you for your quick reply! I just want to check whether I have made the right calculation for the number of tiles served. This concerns about 20.000 page views a day of pages containing an OSM.

Based on another question on this forum ( ) I have multiplied this by (an average of) 20 tiles per view in order to reach the conclusion that this amounts to about 400.000 tiles per day.

Is this the correct calculation in your opinion?

You suggest we can install our own tile server. Can you tell me if there are other options we can use to make sure we are making the right contribution to the OSM community?

(06 Apr '16, 13:18) emuzeNL

Also, you specifically mention that serving this amount of tiles per day is not appropriate for a government agency. Can you expand on that? Are there different rules depending on what type of organisation you are that we should be aware of?

Thank you.

(06 Apr '16, 13:20) emuzeNL

I suspect the idea that was expressed is that the "government" has either money or people, and doesn't have to rely on free, volunteer run services from an organisation with an annual mini budget of £100'000.

But naturally the same rules apply to everybody.

(06 Apr '16, 14:09) SimonPoole ♦

Yes, that's exactly what I meant.

(06 Apr '16, 14:56) scai ♦

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question asked: 05 Apr '16, 16:20

question was seen: 3,687 times

last updated: 06 Apr '16, 18:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum