I have been using the iD Tool to create edits on OSM. While uploading I have faced two situations:
What is the difference between these two? |
In the first case iD is aware of a conflict. In the second case iD is not (the error you see is coming directly from the OSM server, as far as I know). In principle I would think that iD will move on to the first case after encountering the second. Maybe an iD dev comes by here ... I understand that the 1st is inside the iD editor and the 2nd one comes from the server. However, what I don't understand is that if there is the conflict resolution module in place inside the iD editor why should there be the version mismatch error in the first place even after the conflicts have been resolved?
(31 Mar '16, 20:02)
@basu007: as said, I don't really understand that, too.
(31 Mar '16, 20:42)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Are you sure you saw both variants in the current iD version? Conflict resolution is a quite recent feature.
I don't understand. Do you mean that with conflict resolution in place we cant have the version mismatch error in the current version of the iD editor?
There are essentially two kind of potential conflicts - referential (out of scope for this discussion) - version conflicts Before the conflict resolution code was added you always got an error message, now you should always be able to resolve them (there may be some edge cases I'm not aware of but they are likely rare).