Hi there, I have just bought a Dakota 10 which has very basic maps. I have read that you can download a free map using a USB cable onto the Dakota 10.
I think i have managed to download onto my computer but cannot seem to export it over to the Dakota??
I am sorry if this has been answered befor but i would appreciate any help!! thanks Darron |
If you are running Windows and if it's possible to put a Dakota 10 in mass storage mode this question may help you: basic guide to download OSM to Garmin GPS Dakota 10 is not on the OSM Map On Garmin/Mass Storage Mode list, but maybe it's supported anyway. Otherwise you have to use a program like sendmap or similar, see: OSM Map On Garmin |
The Dakota 10 as limited memory space so look for OSM on Garmin of the area you want and download, unzip it, and put that map.img file on a memory stick. Install Garmin Basecamp which is free from Garmin. You should be able to load the map from the stick and see in on your PC screen with Basecamp. Basecamp can then be used export a selected part of the map to the Dakota 10 that is small enough to fit the memory available. An alternative for a small area is to create and install a Garmin Custom map. To get a USB connection you will have to read the Dakota instructions and select set-up, interface, garmin spanner mode or similar, so that it goes into mass storage mode and appears as a memory device when connected via USB, Some USB leads are for power only and won't work. The one you got with the Dakota should be fine. http://www.garmin.com/us/products/onthetrail/custommaps https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/27269/is-there-a-simple-way-to-create-a-garmin-custom-map-kmz-type-from-osm-data |
The page
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin#Installing_the_map_onto_your_GPS I found that using this site: https://garmin.bbbike.org/ is easy. You should now have the new map in Settings > Maps. |
suggest you try the search box, there are many similar questions
According to Garmin's Dakota 10 page (https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?pID=30925#dakota10) this device has 850Mb of built-in memory but doesn't accept data cards. The owner's manual (http://www.garmin.com/manuals/Dakota10_OwnersManual.pdf) suggests that it does support mass storage mode however.
Perhaps you could help us by letting us know: o where you downloaded map data from o what happens when you plug the Dakota into your computer (and what sort of computer you have)