Hi i need the osm document for elk in grasshopper . how should i download it az a osm ? |
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Hi i need the osm document for elk in grasshopper . how should i download it az a osm ? |
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question asked: 29 Mar '16, 15:51
question was seen: 1,197 times
last updated: 30 Mar '16, 11:09
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
I'd suggest (a) asking this as a separate question, not as an answer to an existing one and (b) using a few more words to explain what you mean by "elk" and "grasshopper" here - if you provide a few links that would be good too. Also describe what your end goal is - presaumably you "need the osm ducument for elk in grasshopper" to solve some other problem, if so - what?
Do you mean graphhopper and the ELK stack? Still your question remains very unclear.
http://www.food4rhino.com/project/elk , I think.