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Hi to all,

I have 2 different database setup first one contains planet data got from and the second one contains NorthAmerica data got from

I got different geocode result from both database setup.

For ex: q=9153 East Maple Lane Scottsdale 85255 gives empty data from planet DB, but got result from NorthAmerica DB.

Similarly I triggered geocode for 1000 address, and 150 results are differs between both DBs & NorthAmerica setup give better results.

How it is possible ?

asked 29 Mar '16, 10:49

Rajavelu_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 29 Mar '16, 17:16

Some detailed examples would not hurt. Would guess some results may differ because there is something named similarly outside the North America also.

(29 Mar '16, 16:42) RM87

Please report a bug in as something surely is off. Please include the location of East Maple Lane:

(29 Mar '16, 18:25) RM87
(30 Mar '16, 20:04) RM87

This can happen as a result of the continuous update process of the database. When the database on was originally imported, the relation that describes the boundary of Scottsdale was probably broken and so the road was assigned to a different city. Meanwhile that mistake has been fixed in the OSM database but not all addresses in the Nominatim database have been updated yet. Your own database used the newer OSM data and therefore got the address right.

I've now applied a forced update to the city of Scottsdale and all is well again on

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answered 30 Mar '16, 19:55

lonvia's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

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question asked: 29 Mar '16, 10:49

question was seen: 3,243 times

last updated: 31 Mar '16, 07:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum