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I've started developing a project using OpenStreeMaps and and I would like to show an address on the map using Nominatim search engine. But "Nominatim" doesn’t find street numbers for Australia when I search for an address in

The question is: Does the Australia.osm extract include the street numbers? In other words, does use updated australia.osm extract?


asked 29 Mar '16, 05:34

Parya's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Mar '16, 10:23

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Did you verify on that there is a house number for the house you are looking for ? Perhaps the house numbers are not (or partially) mapped in the area you need

(29 Mar '16, 06:29) escada

thanks for your reply. yes, I tried and as I mentioned it only finds street name not the house number which I'm looking for. for example, searching for "46 Playfield Street, Chermside" only finds playfield street.

(29 Mar '16, 07:38) Parya

Sorry, it was not clear what I meant with "verify" When you go to the map:, you'll see that there are no house numbers visible in Playfield Street. A bit to the south-west, around Hamilton Road x Gympie Road you see a couple of house numbers. When you do not see house numbers displayed on this map, Nominatim will not find the house numbers.

There are a few exceptions to that last rule, when Nominatim has loaded an external database with addresses. But those external addresses do not end up in extracts that you can download yourself from e.g. geofrabrik.

(29 Mar '16, 10:48) escada

try 19 Hutchins Street, Brisbane or 123 Evelyn Street, Brisbane. You will notice that Nominatim works there.

Why is this? Because our data is never fully complete. The house numbers in that area (and those you were searching for) are just not in our data. That means: just nobody has entered them. We are crowd-sourced.

Please have a look at your city and if there are missing house numbers, get outside, walk through the streets and record the housenumbers (e.g. on a printed out map or with an app like KeypadMapper or OSMtracker). At home, you can enter them into our database using one of our editors.

permanent link

answered 29 Mar '16, 10:32

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 29 Mar '16, 10:46

Thanks for the response.

(30 Mar '16, 05:46) Parya

Complete agree with aseerel4c26's response. But in the mean time if you need complete addressees you can try using GNAF

(31 Mar '16, 22:58) aharvey

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question asked: 29 Mar '16, 05:34

question was seen: 5,191 times

last updated: 31 Mar '16, 22:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum