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I'm trying to create vector mbtiles and style them from OSM data. I used the steps outlined:

I downloaded .osm data and convert them to PostGIS then used OSM bright style and was able to see the map come nicely and styled using TileMill (desktop app). Now I wanted to export the tiles to mbtiles format so I can self host them with their styles. When I tried this, TileMill wanted to create a large mbtiles file. From searching on the web, TileMill seems to generate raster files and hence the large size. My goal is to generate a vector based mbtiles (smaller size and more flexible for styling).

Are there alternatives on Windows to generate vector mbtiles either from .osm or .osm converted to PostGIS ?

Thanks for any hints or pointers.


asked 27 Mar '16, 16:47

Jeff_Lacoste's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Mar '16, 12:50


For MapBox specific product questions (anything that has to do with an account on their system and so on) you need to ask MapBox sales and support not here.

(28 Mar '16, 11:39) SimonPoole ♦

Thanks for clarification. I edited my question to be OSM only.

(28 Mar '16, 12:51) Jeff_Lacoste

I'm not sure there is really a mature stack yet, but there are alternatives. One is Tilemaker:

And recently .

(There's probably more worth mentioning, but those are projects with recent activity)

permanent link

answered 27 Mar '16, 18:24

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%


Thank you 'maxerickson' for your response. I checkout 'TileMaker' but unfortunately its not built on Windows as I'm using Windows. Also I checkout but in the doc how to create own tiles, it recommend using docker-compose that is not available on Windows. Also the how to use Docker is explained to a level that I can't just read and run with it.

(28 Mar '16, 15:41) Jeff_Lacoste

Meanwhile there is a successor to osm2vectortiles:

(16 Jun '17, 13:49) scai ♦

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question asked: 27 Mar '16, 16:47

question was seen: 14,620 times

last updated: 16 Jun '17, 13:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum