I have installed nominatim for Maldives and now I want to install for Sri Lanka in the same db. According to lonvia i found it is fast that i merge below both files and then do the import. I have sri-lanka-latest.osm.pbf and maldives-latest.osm.pbf two pbf files and i tried to merge these two with osmconvert command. I have read Osmconvert in the wiki and osm help questions but could not find the answer. Then i converted these two files to .o5m files separately using osmconvert and then merged those both files. Is that what I should do? Thanks in Advance. |
Merging two PBF files can be done in one run, using concatenated processes: osmconvert region1.pbf --out-o5m | osmconvert - region2.pbf -o=all.pbf Further examples and explanations can be found at OSM Wiki page: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmconvert#Parallel_Processing Even better, thanks. I added a link from the Nominatim documentation to this thread.
(27 Mar '16, 19:08)
this is the answer i was looking for, works like a charm, thanks
(28 Mar '16, 07:12)
Tharaka Rajith
This should work:
and then import together.osm.pbf with Nominatim. If you want to merge more than one file, the most voted option isn't really working for me. It only stores the content of the last 2 files. You could make this shorter by converting all your .osm.pbf to .o5m and then do osmconvert *.o5m -o=together.osm.pbf so it gets all .o5m files.
(30 Nov '18, 13:36)
This answer should be treated with more love!:)
(03 Dec '19, 15:14)