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Hello! How can I request the API marked IATA? I need a base: Airport name in Russian, English , IATA- Code . Can I help with your service obtain the necessary information ?

asked 22 Mar '16, 10:54

Evgeniya_VN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

converted to question 22 Mar '16, 16:44

stephan75's gravatar image


Overpass API is one way to retrieve such data. Overpass Turbo is a nice front end for working out a query, here I've used the Overpass Turbo Wizard to find all the airports inside the current map view:

And then here I've used the wizard again, this time further limiting the results to airports with an iata tag:

Whether you get Russian and English names will of course depend on what is present in the data. Here I've edited the second query to output a delimited file with just the chosen tags:

Consult the documentation to see about changing the area that results are pulled from:

There can also be no bounding box, a global bounding box, or there is support for selecting an area from the OSM database and restricting the results to be inside that area. Queries that need a lot of resources may time out, restricting the are of the query helps avoid this.

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answered 22 Mar '16, 19:31

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

edited 22 Mar '16, 19:39


For the last query (CSV output), I'd recommend to replace out; by out center;, otherwise there will be no lat/lon values for ways and relations in the response.

(25 Mar '16, 11:34) mmd

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question asked: 22 Mar '16, 10:54

question was seen: 2,902 times

last updated: 25 Mar '16, 11:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum