I'm no OSM/Overpass expert, and need to draw a map on Umap by retrieving train lines from OSM, along with the names of the stations. I googled for this, searched the archives, but still can't figure out how to build the right query in OverpassTurbo. How should I edit the following query to include station names?
Thank you. asked 17 Mar '16, 12:48 Shohreh aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Crossposting from http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=54031
Be aware that crossposting is lowering the chance of getting good answers!
What did you try from that forum answer????
Not much, because it makes no sense to a newbie like me. Which is why I asked here too. What's wrong with that?
meta @Shohreh: crossposting wastes resources (the people who are spending their time to help) because of dulicate work and scatters the collected information/answers across several places (relevant for others in the future with the same question). Please do not do it (unless for very special reason with clear links between each post).