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I am trying to access OSM data from C# WPF application in VS2013 on win7.

The code is at:

When I opened it (from my laptop ) and zoomed in, I got error:

unable to contact the server to download map data.

when I visited

from the WPF applciation. If I opened the WPF application in a remote server (with win server 2008 and win 2012), no problems.

But, about two months ago, I could open the same application on my laptop without problems.

I can access OSM a and zoom in deeper by visiting OSM from web browser

It is a WPF application and I cannot see the URL when I zoomed in. I felt that when I zoomed in above level 4, i got the error: unable to contact the server to download map data.

I also tested it on my desktop with win7, when I opened the WPF applciation, I got the same error.

Any suggestions ? thanks

asked 15 Mar '16, 21:25

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edited 15 Mar '16, 22:19

To save everyone reading through the project, what URL is it trying to access? What actual error is it getting?

(15 Mar '16, 21:42) SomeoneElse ♦

It is a WPF application and I cannot see the URL when I zoomed in. I felt that when I zoomed in above level 4, i got the error: unable to contact the server to download map data.

(15 Mar '16, 21:47) usact

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question asked: 15 Mar '16, 21:25

question was seen: 2,974 times

last updated: 15 Mar '16, 22:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum