I want to create an app using osm and i want to pick up the coordinates manually from android and then send them to my web service where i download the data of that selected region and apply my algorithm on it. How can i create do that?
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eh, what? Sorry, please describe that with much more words. Also please explain what you already know about OSM and what specifically your problem is.
So I want to create a patrolling app of a neighbourhood.I know how do parse osm data and how to download it...that's on the server side. What i don't know is how to let the client(android side) to choose the coordinates of the area he want's to patroll...si i need something like on the osm site where i can manually export some rectangle on the map. I want the client to be able to select that rectangle. And after that how to draw on it the path I calculate on the server side. Thanks for much for the response.
so you want to know a Android map framework (for your Android app) which offers you some input like if you click "Manually select a different area" at https://www.openstreetmap.org/export and you want to display some poly-line on a map like the blue line in http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/de/map/unbenannte-karte_76136#10/52.4690/13.4122 , right?
Yes.And the poly-line could be with arrows :D but i will deal with that when i get there. Can you help me?
no, sorry, I am not really an Android dev, but I hope I could help to clarify your question. The only advise I could give is to look at the frameworks which are used by the open source Android apps. Just wait some days, others may help here!
Thank you very much for your time.