I am trying to download OFFLINE satellite imagery for North America and I read that BING maps will not allow you to do this. Has anyone downloaded SATELLITE IMAGERY for North America? I can download orthoimagery from the NATIONAL MAP, very detailed, for free. I would just like a mechanism built into JOSM that incorporates these features. Or is JOSM an ON-LINE only program? |
USGS Provides WMS endpoints for the many National Map layers: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/services/ They have a help page: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/help/HowTo.htm It mentions "There are no use restrictions on these services." I guess the layers under "Base Maps (Cached)" will be faster to download. |
JOSM has a plugin that can read and display georeferenced imagery. This will likely only work with smaller images. If you want to download and use detailed imagery for a whole state or the whole US, you'd have to set up your own, local WMS server (e.g. UMN Map Server, Geoserver, QGIS server) to serve that imagery to JOSM. The WMS provides the indexing (and often also caching) required to cope with the large amount of data. You'll have to install the WMS and configure your imagery as a data source, set the right projection etc., and then you can access the WMS from JOSM. You won't need the Internet after you have that set up. Since JOSM downloads imagery while I am using it, why can't it be configured to CACHE a boundary or polygon area and download it and keep it available for offline use?
(11 Mar '16, 14:06)