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I have requested and received OSM map builds from two tiles: Philippines and Singapore. I downloaded both the MapSource installer and files, but I've only used the MapSource installers so far.

I installed each map for MapSource, and used JaVaWa GMTK to rename and re-ID each so there were no conflicts. I can open each map (only one at a time) in MapSource (v6.15.6), and can find locations in either by address, city, etc.

After using MapSource to download the Philippines map to my eTrex Legend C, I could also find addresses and cities in the eTrex. But if I download the Singapore OSM map to the eTrex, as soon as I try to do a find by city, the screen shows "None found" and doesn't give me the option of keying-in a name. If I select 'Address' for the find, after entering a number, even before I start to key-in the street name, the pane below says 'None Found', and stays that way as I key-in a name. And so I can't find any addresses in the eTrex.

I CAN find an address using the same map in MapSource, but not after downloading to the eTrex.

Am I doing something wrong, or could there be a problem with the map build? Is there another way to get the map into my eTrex so it is searchable?

Thanks, Daniel

asked 27 Apr '11, 12:46

DanielFFF's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It's important to mention the source of your Garmin data: there are many different providers of OSM-based Garmin maps.

(27 Apr '11, 13:33) SK53 ♦

if I create a "Mark" and do a "Goto" on the garmin vista HCX I get a choice "off road" or "on road" the latter gives turn by turn info. the download I used (of GB) is tagged as routable.

(30 Apr '11, 09:28) andy mackey

Hello Daniel

Re your map of the Philippines, how is it, is it quite complete, would you recommend it for traveling there, how did you get it, and how much was it?

Just a few questions

Thanks for your time


(02 May '12, 20:21) My Handy Man

In answer to "Is there another way...", you might want to have a read of the answers to this question . It's a bit more complicated, but running mkgmap yourself to create one gmapsupp.img has a few advantages:

  • You can decide exactly which areas you want maps of; you're not restricted by what someone's offering for download.

  • You can customise what appears on the map by editing mkgmap's style files

  • You get one file containing all your maps, and city search definitely works without problems (for example, I've created a combined map of Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia using this method and could search for cities in any of them).

Address search is still a bit problematical; the mkgmap developers are working on that.

permanent link

answered 02 May '11, 00:08

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 27 Apr '11, 12:46

question was seen: 7,537 times

last updated: 02 May '12, 20:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum