I am working on an Android GPS Running App and trying to find a way to set a distance as a destination or have the destination and start as the same and create a route of an input distance. I have GPS location and updates working and a map displayed. I have an input text box and I would like when I enter a distance say 5 Km and click an event button it will return a route from my current location and finish at 5 Km away or finish at the same location and have a route of said distance shown on the map. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks |
What have you tried? What worked? What didn't? (Specifically for pedestrian routing: which router(s) did you try? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Routing/online_routers )
Here's one that someone made earlier: http://walks.io/ (although that doesn't seem to be working at the moment).