I have found a way to use downloaded maps from http://download.geofabrik.de/ and then split them up with SPLITTER.jar from http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/download/splitter.html I use this PC COMMAND: java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -ea -jar \MKGMAP\splitter-r429\splitter.jar --max-nodes=1400000 -- handle-element-version=keep --mapid="12340000" --geonames-file=\MKGMAP\cities15000.zip --description=mymap --max-areas="255" --no-trim --status-freq="600" michigan-latest.osm.pbf This makes several smaller .osm.pbf maps about 11MB each. You can use these to open in JOSM and do you work and then upload your changes to OSM when you are back online. asked 02 Mar '16, 17:00 gregcrago |
I agree alester, splitter will chop ways and relations at boundaries, but this is a good way to work off line and have relatively new maps to work on Interior objects. If you need to work at the 'edges', then this might cause a problem. I agree that this IS NOT A QUESTION. Where do you INFORM other JOSM users of new techniques that might be able to help out other users in similar situitations? (Wanting to work off line with OSM maps?) answered 02 Mar '16, 21:42 gregcrago 2
If it's an answer to one of your previous questions, you could always add it there. You won't be able to accept your own answer, but if you say something like "I found the answer and it's this..." a moderator might come along and mark it as an accepted answer.
(02 Mar '16, 21:48)
SomeoneElse ♦
It is perfectly fine to ask a question and answer it yourself.
(03 Mar '16, 07:57)
scai ♦
What is your question?
I would personally avoid uploading anything from a splitter-created file unless you first synchronize the file with the online database. Splitter will chop ways and relations at tile boundaries, and those changes probably shouldn't be uploaded.