Hi I work at a human rights organisation in Manchester, UK. I saw an Open Street map which displayed the human rights violations in Bahrain and I was very impressed by this and interested in how it was done as we would like to produce something similar. I contacted the organisation and they said they didn't know as the project was outsourced. Can you help. Their map is here: http://umap.openstreetmap.co/en/map/bahrain-human-rights_478#11/26.1360/50.6470 Many thanks Zara |
Please note that UMap is a service on top of OpenStreetMap, which allows individuals to create their own maps (based on the OpenStreetMap map) and share them online. The Bahrain map was created by a UMap user called ADHRB; if you're interested in the sources they used to create the map you'll have to contact them - unfortunately, I can't see any way of contacting a UMap user. If you're looking to create your own map in UMap (based on your own data), then the links provided by SomeoneElse should get you started. That's really helpful Lightsider, thank you
(25 Feb '16, 17:15)
@ZaraR maybe you are lucky in trying to contact the equally-named OSM.org user ADHRB (note that there is no user account connection/synchronisation between umap and osm.org, it is just a name similarity). Register on osm.org, then you can send messages to this user.
(25 Feb '16, 19:52)
aseerel4c26 ♦
There are lots of links from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UMap - do they help? There's also "help" information on http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/ of course.