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I want to create an image (it doesn't have to be high resolution) that uses the contour map data of the Cycle Map layer, and includes my personal track data from a KML or GPX file.

I thought I could download an OSM file of the region and then use some Mac app to view the OSM data as a map, and then import my KML/GPX data to show my track on top of the map ... and then just do a screen grab of the result (that's the resolution level that would do for the moment). However, I can't seem to find an app that will allow me to do this easily. I tried JOSM (not having used it before), but when I imported the .osm file that I had downloaded from the Cycle Map layer on it didn't show the contours nor look as nice.

Is there a Mac app that will take a .osm file and show it in the style of the Cycle Map layer, and which will allow me to import a KML or GPX track on top?

Thanks in advance.

asked 22 Feb '16, 08:02

DrSamCarter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Feb '16, 20:05

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I tried myOSM, which shows the maps fine but it doesn't seem to import a GPX file despite having this as a menu function.

(22 Feb '16, 08:32) DrSamCarter

You can use GPS Visualizer with the opencyclemap as a background and you can import your gpx track/s and you can share it with others.
You can also upload and create gpx tracks using the Opencyclemap using Gpsies
There may be other suitable choices here

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answered 22 Feb '16, 09:01

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%


Thank you. GPS Visualiser looks like it will do the trick. :-)

(22 Feb '16, 11:47) DrSamCarter

A possible alternative is GPS Prune, it will run on Win PCs and some macs you will need to install Java for it to run. alt text

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answered 22 Feb '16, 22:42

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

It's here

(22 Feb '16, 22:43) andy mackey

Garmin Basecamp ( which is free ) will display an OSM on Garmin downloaded map (also free) and your GPX trace. It runs on Windows and Macs. Installing Basecamp and getting a map installed will take more time than Prune and Java method in my other answer but if you have a Garmin Gps it has some advantages. Note you don't have to have a Garmin device to use it.

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answered 22 Feb '16, 22:58

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

(22 Feb '16, 23:03) andy mackey

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question asked: 22 Feb '16, 08:02

question was seen: 6,838 times

last updated: 22 Feb '16, 23:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum