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This topic is probably more suitable to be discussed in the talk-legal mailing list, I suppose.

I have seen it being mentioned in the user diaries (for example) and in some OSM-related blogs (for example).

But I have came across some arguments saying that there's ambiguity in the license, so probably just no, I guess. Sorry, I am not so sure if I understood all that legalese.

So I would like to know if it is fine to use Sentinel-2 as a tracing layer. If it is OK, then my mapping area could benefit from it.

asked 20 Feb '16, 05:21

AkuAnakTimur's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

So, I just found recently that there's a mention about GMES/Copernicus on the wiki -

Guess we could use them.

(27 Feb '16, 18:10) AkuAnakTimur

Would be great, if it could be implemented as a map layer in iD. The imagery is very up-to-date (check Sentinel Hub Playground to get an idea)! There is a way to get the image into JOSM, but it is not really straightforward. The imagery is rather low-res, but definitely useful to add major construction sites to the map.

(13 Jan '19, 15:00) rene78

Hi rene78, this is not really an answer to the question (legality of use). Please post as a comment - if at all.

(13 Jan '19, 15:24) aseerel4c26 ♦

OSM needs a proper forum. Those mailing lists are cumbersome in my opinion. But yeah, you are right - not really an answer to the question.

(13 Jan '19, 15:34) rene78

This is a rather old question, in the mean time Sentiel-2 imagery is in use for at least China and other areas without hires imagery.

As to supporting it in editors: the problem is that somebody would have to curate a current layer and create a tool chain to easily update it (from a disk space pov this wouldn't be a big issue).

permanent link

answered 13 Jan '19, 18:41

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 20 Feb '16, 05:21

question was seen: 4,991 times

last updated: 13 Jan '19, 18:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum