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Apologies if this is a dense question I am green with OSM.

When I make an API bounding box call like below:

import overpass

# bounding box coordinates
min_long = min(longs)
min_lat = min(lats)
max_long = max(longs)
max_lat = max(lats)

# query overpass within OpenStreetMap
api = overpass.API()
map_query = overpass.MapQuery(min_lat,min_long,max_lat,max_long)
response = api.Get(map_query)

The output is not wrapped in a Python dictionary like here. The response appears to be xml.

Anybody have an idea of what is going on here? Thanks in advance!

asked 16 Feb '16, 16:46

jlgutenson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Overpass API supports different file formats (currently XML, JSON and CSV). According to a quick search you seem to be using Overpass API python wrapper. The README explains that you can call Get() with a responseformat parameter for choosing the file format. So try calling api.Get(map_query, responseformat="json").

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answered 16 Feb '16, 16:55

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

I've seen that. Interestingly though, I keep getting the error TypeError: Get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'responseformat' for any format type.

(16 Feb '16, 18:16) jlgutenson

I just tried the example from the README with the latest version on GitHub and it works. It even uses "geojson" as default file format. But specifying responseformat="json" or responseformat="xml" also works fine.

(16 Feb '16, 18:26) scai ♦

Interesting @scai, are you using version 0.3.1 as well? Sounds like something with my installation is off.:-/

(16 Feb '16, 18:34) jlgutenson

I'm using the master branch which seems to be 0.3.1 according to

(16 Feb '16, 18:35) scai ♦

Turns out the pip installation of the Python Overpass API is different than the current version on github. If anyone else encounters this problem, just install the github version instead.

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answered 16 Feb '16, 19:29

jlgutenson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 16 Feb '16, 16:46

question was seen: 6,367 times

last updated: 16 Feb '16, 19:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum