I'm trying to create an extremely basic Mapnik XML stylesheet, so that I can display purely all ways and nodes in an OSM extract, for debugging purposes. It doesn't need to look pretty. I am running this against a flat-file .osm file, using the Geofabrik extract suggested at: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapnik/Rendering_OSM_XML_data_directly I can't get the nodes to show - what am I doing wrong? The ways are showing fine. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Map background-color="#f2efe9" srs="+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84"> <Style name="highways"> <Rule> <Filter>[highway] <>''</Filter> <LineSymbolizer stroke="#808080" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" /> </Rule> </Style> <Style name="nodes"> <Rule> <Filter>[mapnik:geometry_type]=point</Filter> <PointSymbolizer file="./hospital.16.svg" /> </Rule> </Style> </Map> |
You need to say what format of data that these rules apply to. If its data imported to PostGIS to osm2pgsql then most nodes will not be represented directly.
It'd be useful for someone to post a minimal mapnik.xml (or a minimal TileMill style) that can be used for people to start from when creating their own styles (perhaps for transparent overlay tiles).
@SK53: Have clarified that I'm using a flat-file .osm extract.