Hi, I have tried to retrieve the gps coordinate from the street name with nominatim. The first time I have used this query url: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=via+augusto+dulceri+56&format=json The result it's perfect. If I change the url with another house number but the same street for example: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=via+augusto+dulceri+66&format=json The gps coordinate it's the same. I have tried some other street and the result it's the same. The first time nominatim retrieve the exactly position, but if I change the house number and use the same name street the result is always the same. Where is the problem? Regards Daniele |
Nominatim is only matching the input to the street. See the class:highway in the json. There isn't much house number data available in OSM there, so I guess most similar searches will only return the street (you can just delete the format=json from the URL to quickly take a look at this visually). 1
For comparison you may have a look how Nominatim works with two existing different house numbers: Kirchweg 4 and Kirchweg 24.
(12 Feb '16, 08:26)