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I am trying to append a dataset to existing map data using below mentioned command. But I am getting an error. San somebody help me to resolve this?

Command: sudo -u www-data osm2pgsql -a 2048 --slim --number-processes 4 gcc-states-latest.osm.pbf --cache-strategy sparse

Error: Reading in file: 2048 error while opening file 2048

asked 10 Feb '16, 06:20

Reshma%20Maner's gravatar image

Reshma Maner
accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Feb '16, 08:15

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

You seem to have your command line mixed up see in particular the append option simply uses the normal input file that you have already specified (gcc-states-latest.osm.pbf).

Note: appending to an existing osm2pgsql schema database will only work if their are no common elements in the data.

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answered 10 Feb '16, 08:13

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Yes. Thanks. Issue is resolved now.

(10 Feb '16, 08:31) Reshma Maner

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question asked: 10 Feb '16, 06:20

question was seen: 2,264 times

last updated: 10 Feb '16, 08:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum