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Would someone take a look at the map at the following link and help us understand what we are seeing and why we can't change/manage some of it.

The map shows a section of Newbury Retail park in the UK. The question arises because when in view-mode, some of the points of interest are shown; in this case as labels within an area defined as a building. When switching to the editor however, a range of points (for the those same labels) becomes apparent.

Essentially we don't understand the following:

  1. When in view mode, what mapping elements/layers etc. are being shown and which are not.
  2. Why can't we get a handle on them in the editor?
  3. Why after editing some of the points (by adding more tags) or even deleting/recreating them, none of them show when switching back to view mode despite being saved into the database (history confirmed).

In recent times we have added other new mapping details like points, buildings, car parks etc - all with success and without issue. Now though, despite doing the same thing, it appears we are falling short somehow.

Please help.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 09 Feb '16, 01:43

xanda-escuyer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Feb '16, 10:25

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Note: It would be more useful (at least for others having the same question) not to group several questions into one entry here.

(09 Feb '16, 10:30) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thanks for all the answers and feedback. We digest it as follows:-

  • When opening OSM, the default view is the Standard Tile Layer. We hadn't appreciated this key point before posting; hence the way the question was written.

  • All points are rendered into nodes, even if the tags used to describe them are not standard ones (as defined under the Map Features Wiki).

  • The standard tile layer will only show certain nodes; these having been created as points in the editor (in our case, we use 'iD in-browser editor') using the aforementioned standard tags.

All of which means, that as advised, updating the tags to more standard ones will help bring points onto the standard tile layer; with the caveat that this layer is not necessarily interested in all the standard tags - only some of them. Hence the "likely to be rendered" comment earlier.

(11 Feb '16, 20:31) xanda-escuyer

Looking at the area you linked, I'm guessing that you're asking specifically why the Argos store, the PoundStretcher, the PoundWorld, and the Mothercare shops are not showing up on the map?

The answer has a few components to it:

  • The rendered map is not updated immediately; it can sometimes take a few minutes for a change in the underlying data to show up on the rendered map. Keep in mind that what you refer to as the "view mode" is only one rendering of OpenStreetMap data (called the "standard tile layer"); there are many others.
  • Not every node/way in the database is rendered on every map. The rules for what is rendered and how are fairly complicated (you can take a look at the map style on GitHub), but in general, the more well-known and accepted a particular tag is, the more likely it is to be rendered. As a general guideline, if there is a page on the Wiki about a particular tag, it's likely (but by no means certain - I am simplifying here) that it will be rendered on the main map. For example, the Mothercare shop is currently tagged as shop=baby. While you are, of course, free to use any tag you like, the generally accepted tagging for a shop selling baby-related items is shop=baby_goods. The tagging you used for Argos (shop=catalogue) is also not currently widely used (it's used on 144 objects throughout the world); you may wish to look through the currently agreed tag values for "shop" to see if anything fits., but it seems to be the best tag to use in this case, so leave it as it is.
  • It's always preferred to tag something as accurately as possible, rather than tagging it in such a way to force it to appear on the main map. The beauty of OSM is that many different maps, showing different things, can be made with the same underlying data. For your particular case, the "standard" OSM map will not show all the possible different types of shops, but someone interested in creating a "shopping map" could make their own, with many more shop types shown.

Therefore, my recommendation: when tagging objects, look for accepted tags on the Wiki and use those. If you don't think that any of the currently accepted tags describes what you're trying to tag, then feel free to use your own, and engage with the OpenStreetMap community to see if they will support your proposal. OpenStreetMap is constantly evolving, and we welcome your input!

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answered 09 Feb '16, 07:28

Lightsider's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

edited 13 Feb '16, 12:44


as for the original question nr 2: Perhaps the POI is mapped on the building, in which case, the editor does not show a separate marker. You can see the tags by clicking on the rectangle representing the building

(09 Feb '16, 09:45) escada

The "standard layer" struggles with a number of shop types because (due to various limitations) it does all the selection of what to display in SQL. I'd suggest that "shop=catalogue" is correct for Argos; it's just a retail form that hasn't caught on in many places worldwide, hence the low usage.

(09 Feb '16, 10:45) SomeoneElse ♦

Not all POI get rendered "into nodes" as Lightsider said it. A map really rendering all contained in OSM would look very ugly in densely mapped areas.

(12 Feb '16, 11:47) malenki

@Lightsider please dont recommend changing tags for Argos. As @SomeoneElse says this is the standard tagging for this chain in the UK

(12 Feb '16, 11:56) SK53 ♦

Regarding 1, see: i-have-made-edits-but-they-dont-show-up-on-the-map.

Regarding 2: your question is not that clear to me. But escada's comment might already solve it.

Regarding 3, see: the top two questions there

permanent link

answered 09 Feb '16, 10:31

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 09 Feb '16, 10:33

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question asked: 09 Feb '16, 01:43

question was seen: 4,733 times

last updated: 13 Feb '16, 12:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum