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Hi, I cannot understand how I shall fix the error that causes the admin boundary that should cover the coordinate in the link below:

It should belong to "Lerums kommun" Admin level 07. It does exist, but the query cannot find it.

What is wrong with the administrative border, and how do I correct it?

asked 08 Feb '16, 22:34

SunYour's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The area is missing from the Overpass server used to generate those query results.

That server is also the default on Overpass-Turbo, so it's straightforward to check what data is present. This script should find the area:

out geom;

But returns nothing. A nearby area is found:

out geom;

And the relation is present:

out geom;

So for some reason the Overpass server did not generate an area from that specific relation. Overpass areas are updated less frequently than the rest of the data, and there is a recent edit to some of the member ways of the missing area:

So you might only need to wait until the next time areas are refreshed on the Overpass server.

permanent link

answered 09 Feb '16, 13:55

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

edited 09 Feb '16, 18:24

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question asked: 08 Feb '16, 22:34

question was seen: 3,008 times

last updated: 09 Feb '16, 18:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum