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Am I allowed to use these maps on my website? How much will it cost?

asked 10 Jul '10, 13:37

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 12 Jul '10, 10:02

randomjunk's gravatar image


Yes, you're allowed to use the Maps from OpenStreetMap on your Homepage and it will not cost you anything, but there are some things to remember:

To embed a map into your homepage you can visit the "Export" Tab on the main OSM site. You'll get copy-and-paste ready HTML-Code there.

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answered 10 Jul '10, 14:45

MaZderMind's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

It says above"... like it's done in this map." But the link doesn't work. Please can I have an example of a 'correct' website map?

(26 Apr '16, 20:12) SpillerC

@SpillerC: here is a archived version. However, it is not right for the current OSM license anyway (see ).

(26 Apr '16, 21:37) aseerel4c26 ♦

Meta: how to best deal with this situation of totally outdated answers here - discuss?

(26 Apr '16, 21:42) aseerel4c26 ♦

As an addition to the other answers:

If you are a high-traffic website, consider just putting a static image on your page; that way hits to your page will not cause traffic for OSM and the tile server. You can get a static image from OSM's Export tab (Mapnik Image or Osmarender Image).

You can still have the image link to using the right coordinates, for user's convenience.

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answered 27 Jan '11, 01:31

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

The OpenStreetMap data is currently licenced under CC-BY-SA, which means you can use it for free and also distribute it freely if you say that it came from OpenStreetMap and mention the licence (see the Wiki for more details). The same goes for maps that are made out of this data.

However, if you are using a Tileserver (which delivers rendered map images, e.g. for your website) you have to be aware of it's usage policy, which does not affect what you are allowed to do with the map itself, but how you are allowed to use the service to access these maps. The usage policy of the default "Mapnik" tiles (rendered and served by "", can be found on the Wiki. This will normally only be relevant for operations that produce heavy load, e.g. bulk downloading of map tiles.

You should also be aware that some websites may have maps that consist of seperate layers, for example by means of the OpenLayers API. Some of these layers may not be under the same free licence as the underlying OpenStreetMap maps, which means making a screenshot (and thus combining these layers) might be illegal. Please always look for copyright and licence notices.

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answered 10 Jul '10, 15:08

driver2's gravatar image

accept rate: 57%

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question asked: 10 Jul '10, 13:37

question was seen: 29,352 times

last updated: 26 Apr '16, 21:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum