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I have a question regarding the retrieval of the house numbers from Open Street Map through the Linked Geo Data sparql endpoint:

If I run a query to select all the buildings which have a house number located in the city of, for example, of Esino Lario I get only 11 results whereas in OSM seems that a lot of building of that village have explicitly indicated a housenumber (compare the query result with the actual view from OSM).

Even if i expand my search to the whole world broadening the research to include all possibilities I get only 1,176,404 results which seems not reasonable at all (here the query result).

The queries used are the following:

Select *
Where {
    <> "Esino Lario";
    <> ?housenumber.


Select count(?housenumber ) as ?n
Where { ?s  <> ?housenumber }

Seems that the LGD database is not complete or not updated at Jan 2016 as declared. Or, which is more plausible, I am doing some bad mistakes in the query or I do not understand properly the ontology used.

Can somebody please help me unravel this mystery? Responses that do not involve SPARQL but help me better understand the taxonomy of OSM are also appreciated

asked 05 Feb '16, 17:08

ilTrabucchiere's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Feb '16, 13:33


My first intention to get a solution for you was to recommend a direct contact to the guys from, then I saw your posting in their googlegroup mailinglist ... so lets see where you get better hints.

(06 Feb '16, 10:55) stephan75

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question asked: 05 Feb '16, 17:08

question was seen: 2,654 times

last updated: 06 Feb '16, 13:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum